Greetings from Ratna Sagar!
By now the words formative, diagnostic, comprehensive, anecdotal, summative, continuous, record, self profile, values, attitudes, scholastic, . . . must be familiar to you — both the meaning and the connotation. As publishers of educational material with excellent resource and expertise within our reach, we would like to offer you our full support in understanding and implementing CCE in your school.
We plan to set up a platform facilitating interaction between CBSE schools across the country, to share ‘best practices’. Do you have queries? Can we help you in any way? Do you have an input that you would like to share with other schools? Please do write to us at and we will do our best to help you.

CCE – Child-Centred Education
CCE – Perceptions, Reality and Benefits
CCE in Practice
CCE: Change and Us
CCE – Child-Centred Education

The Average Child
Mike Buscemi
I don’t cause teachers trouble
my grades have been okay.
I listen in my classes
and I’m in school every day.
My teachers think I’m average,
my parents think so too.
I wish I didn’t know that
’cause there’s lots I’d like to do.
I would like to build a rocket
I have a book that tells you how,
or start a stamp collection
well no use in trying now.
I am smart enough you see
to know that there is nothing special
that I should expect about me.
I am part of the majority
that hump part of the bell,
who spent his life unnoticed
in an average kind of hell.
No child wants to be invisible, every child would like the full attention of the teacher, but that is next to impossible in the prevalent system of examination and summation. CCE is best described as Child-Centred Education as it captures the essence of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.
CCE: Perceptions, Reality and Benefits
For the child, CCE now means assessment of behavior, being always watched by the teacher who is very powerful. The child believes that clubs and all co-curricular activities will be watched and the teacher must be informed when they do something good as it will go into the CCE record. We must please our teachers and our school authorities!
But what is actually behind CCE and how will a child benefit?
The word assess comes from the Latin verb assidere meaning ‘to sit with’. In assessment one is supposed to sit with the learner. This implies it is something we do with and for the child and not to the child.
Assessment is thus the systematic collection, review and use of information about the teaching-learning process for the purpose of improving student learning and development.
CCE helps
·        The teacher to organize effective and creative teaching strategies.
·        To continuously evaluate the progress of the learner by identifying the strengths and weaknesses well in time.
·         To provide the teacher with an immediate feedback as to where the learner is weak, whether the unit needs reteaching for an individual, a few, a group or the whole class.
·         To provide the child timely self assessment. It motivates the child to develop healthy study habits.
·        The teacher to understand a student’s attitudes and value system.
·        A child charts a course for the future based on continuous and comprehensive evaluation. The special abilities of a student are recognized.
CCE in Practice
Anecdotal remarks such as the following will provide the child valuable and timely feedback. Education is complete and holistic only when all areas of growth and development are taken into consideration.
“Priya completes the work that she has been assigned as a member and is responsible. While she takes part in the project work set for the class she tends to do the work on her own and does not make an effort to be part of the team.”
“Govind writes very creatively and some of his ideas are really thought provoking. He contributes regularly to the wall magazine. He takes initiative in coordinating editorial efforts.”
“Deepa gets very upset if she is unable to handle a problem and has to be pacified. She is good at the subject but cannot handle any failure.”
“Rahul is meticulous with any submission, but he is not inclined to help others. He prefers to work on his own and does not share his ideas and homework with anyone.”
CCE: Change and Us

The old order changeth, yielding place to the new. Let’s give these new ideas our commitment through earnest implementation. At the centre of discussion and debate is the child. The child after all is the purpose of this noble vocation of teaching.