Environment refers to the surroundings or conditions in which living beings live. It combines all kinds of resources, living and nonliving. Forests, mountains, water bodies, and everything that we see around us that has occurred naturally, composes our environment. Let us take a moment to appreciate it through our short essay and a set of 10 lines on the environment.

Short Essay on Our Environment

The environment refers to the surroundings or conditions in which living organisms exist. It is essential for our well-being. The environment encompasses all living and nonliving things that surround us. It forms the natural world in which we live. It includes the forests, oceans, rivers, deserts and grasslands, each supporting diverse forms of life. Forests provide habitats for numerous species of plants and animals. Oceans and rivers sustain marine and freshwater organisms. Deserts and grasslands, despite their harsh conditions, are home to unique and specialised flora and fauna. And not to forget, human beings too reside within the environment. 

All these components of the environment are critical resources for us. They make a complete whole to support life on earth.  But, a number of times, human activities significantly impact the environment, leading to issues like deforestation, pollution, climate change and habitat destruction. These changes have far-reaching effects on the natural world and human society. They can lead to habitat destruction, climate changes and poor health conditions for all living beings. Protecting the environment is important because pollution and waste can harm these resources. Simple actions like recycling, saving energy and reducing plastic use can make a big difference. Recycling helps us use less and keeps our planet clean. By taking care of our environment, we ensure a healthy and beautiful planet for ourselves and future generations. By fostering a deeper connection with our environment, we can work towards a harmonious existence with nature and a sustainable future.

10 Lines on Our Environment

1. The environment is the surroundings or conditions in which living organisms exist.

2. It encompasses all living and nonliving things around us, forming the natural world.

3. Components like forests, oceans, rivers, deserts, and grasslands support diverse life forms.

4. Human activities often impact the environment, leading to issues like deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

5. These changes have profound effects on both the natural world and human society.

6. Protecting the environment is crucial as pollution and waste can harm critical resources.

7. Simple actions like recycling, saving energy, and reducing plastic use can have significant positive impacts.

8. Recycling helps minimise resource usage and keeps the planet clean.

9. Taking care of the environment ensures a healthy and beautiful planet for current and future generations.

10. Fostering a deeper connection with our environment can lead to a more sustainable and harmonious existence with nature.

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