DeccanHerald: CBSE introduces course in geospatial technology
CBSE has introduced a vocational course in Geospatial Technology for higher secondary. DeccanHerald
CBSE has introduced a vocational course in Geospatial Technology for higher secondary. DeccanHerald
Brain games for kids. DicoveryNews
Hot springs of the Antarctic ocean are fostering the emergence of new species. DiscoveryNews
Facts about the planet Mars. TOI
NASA’s robot rover named ‘Curiosity’ landed on Mars. BBC
Movement of dust particles in the atmosphere is impacting global weather. DiscoveryNews
Human activities like oil extraction, injecting of liquid waste into ocean etc may trigger small earthquakes. DiscoveryNews
Leaning Colosseum might need restoration work like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. DiscoveryNews
Man-made climate change leading to extreme weather conditions. ScientificAmerican
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) sensitises school children towards animals through a programme designed for schools. NYDailyNews