Short Essay on George Orwell 

George Orwell was born as Eric Arthur Blair on 25 June 1903, in Motihari, India. Orwell is widely regarded as one of the most significant writers of the 20th century. His works are characterised by lucid prose, deep social criticism and fierce opposition to social evils. His experiences and ideas are vividly reflected in his writing..

Orwell attended prestigious schools like St Cyprian’s School and Eton College. Since childhood, he had experiences that exposed him to the stark class divisions and imperialist attitudes that would later become central themes in his work.
After school, Orwell worked for the police in Burma (now Myanmar). He didn’t like how the British were treating the people there, so he left the job and decided to become a writer. He spent time living in poor areas of Paris and London to understand what life was like for poor people. He wrote about these experiences in his book Down and Out in Paris and London.

10 Lines on George Orwell 

Orwell wrote many books, but his two most famous ones are Animal Farm and 1984.

Animal Farm: This book is about animals on a farm who overthrow their human farmer. They want to run the farm themselves but end up with a leader who is just as bad as the human they replaced. It’s a story about how power can corrupt leaders.

1984: This is a story set in a future where the government watches everyone all the time. It shows a world where people have no freedom and are controlled by lies and fear. Words like “Big Brother” (the government that watches everyone) and “doublethink” (holding two opposite ideas at the same time) come from this book.

Orwell’s books are important because they warn us about the dangers of losing our freedom and the importance of being honest. He believed that clear and truthful writing was essential to protect against lies and manipulation.

Even though George Orwell died in 1950, his ideas are still very important today. His books help us understand the importance of fighting against unfairness and standing up for what is right. They remind us to be careful about who we trust and to always seek the truth.

In short, George Orwell was a writer who cared deeply about fairness and honesty, and his books teach us to think critically about the world around us.

10 Lines on George Orwell 

1. George Orwell was born as Eric Arthur Blair on 25 June 1903, in Motihari, India. He  is widely regarded as one of the most significant writers of the 20th century.

2. Orwell’s works are characterised by clear writing, deep social criticism and a strong opposition to social evils.

3. He attended prestigious schools, including St Cyprian’s School and Eton College, where his experiences exposed him to stark class divisions and imperialist attitudes.

4. After finishing school, Orwell worked for the police in Burma (now Myanmar) but left the job due to his disapproval of the British treatment of the local people.

5. To understand what life was like for poor people, Orwell lived in poor areas of Paris and London and wrote about these experiences in his book Down and Out in Paris and London.

6. Orwell’s two most famous books are Animal Farm and 1984, which have had a lasting impact on literature and political thought.

7. Animal Farm is an allegory about animals overthrowing their human farmer, only to end up with a leader who is just as corrupt, illustrating how power can corrupt leaders.

8. 1984 depicts a dystopian future where the government watches everyone all the time, showing a world where people have no freedom and are controlled by lies and fear.

9. Orwell’s books are important because they warn about the dangers of losing freedom and emphasise the importance of honesty and clear, truthful writing to protect against lies and manipulation.

10. Although George Orwell died in 1950, his ideas remain very important today, helping us understand the importance of fighting against unfairness and standing up for what is right.