TOI: CBSE to conduct dope tests in school sports meet
CBSE in association with National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) will be conducting dope tests for participants of inter-school sports events to be held in September. TOI
CBSE in association with National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) will be conducting dope tests for participants of inter-school sports events to be held in September. TOI
CBSE has introduced a vocational course in Geospatial Technology for higher secondary. DeccanHerald
Study shows standing desks can help reduce child obesity. ChicagoTimes
Count your blessings – formula to help teenagers cope up with depression. Counsel&Heal
Preventing concussion in children and teenagers. DigitalJournal
Abacus and Vedic Maths can help students score better in maths. DeccanChronicle Outlook
Brain games for kids. DicoveryNews
Hot springs of the Antarctic ocean are fostering the emergence of new species. DiscoveryNews
Facts about the planet Mars. TOI
NASA’s robot rover named ‘Curiosity’ landed on Mars. BBC